Defining the mission and identity of Newman University
Colleges and universities, like people, have an identity — a character or core essence drawn from and created by the institution’s history, unique qualities and guiding principles.
In the case of Newman University, that identity includes a strong connection to our sponsors, the Adorers of the Blood of Christ (ASC).
Now, the bond between Newman and the ASC is stronger than ever, as a result of three “identity documents” designed to better align the university’s mission with that of the ASC.
“These revised documents more clearly delineate the academic, spiritual, and social identity of the university, and demonstrate our alignment with the mission and spirit of the ASC,” said President Noreen M. Carrocci, Ph.D. “With the affirmation of these documents we achieve two important goals — we strengthen our relationship with the sisters and their ideals, and we strengthen the university’s sense of itself and its purpose.”
The process of developing the identity documents took approximately five years, and involved faculty members, staff and students, as well as members of the Board of Trustees.
First, a Task Force of faculty, staff and students led by Associate Professor of Philosophy Jamey Findling, Ph.D. crafted The Newman Code, which won ready acceptance from all constituent groups.
The Newman Code
As a member of the Newman community,
I pledge to live in the spirit of critical consciousness by
respecting the dignity of every person,
honoring both personal and institutional integrity,
and striving to embrace all humanity.
That work led to the recognition of a need to more clearly and succinctly articulate the Core Values guiding the work and mission of the university. Findling led that task force as well, and by fall 2008 faculty and staff had affirmed both The Newman Code and Core Values.
The Newman University Core Values
Catholic Identity, Academic Excellence,
Culture of Service, Global Perspective
The work that remained — aligning the Core Values and the university Mission with the ASC U.S. Region’s more recently formulated Mission Statement — was put on hold for two years while Newman worked on a new Strategic Plan and Campus Master Plan.
During the 2009-2010 academic year, then, Director of Mission and Archives Charlotte Rohrbach, ASC, Ph.D., and Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs Michael Austin, Ph.D. led a group that focused on alignment. The resulting document, a concise and more direct version of the Mission Statement adopted by Newman 15 years ago, was affirmed by faculty and staff in August 2010, and by the Board of Trustees later that fall:
The Newman University Mission Statement
Newman University is a Catholic university named for John Henry
Cardinal Newman and founded by the Adorers of the Blood of Christ
for the purpose of empowering graduates to transform society.
The ASC U.S. Region Leadership Team also endorsed it unanimously, and noted its appreciation for Newman’s efforts to forge a stronger connection with the ASC. Region Leader Jan Renz, ASC, wrote in the letter to Carrocci affirming the documents:
“It is clear that the inspiration and initiative begun by the ASC Sisters in Wichita over seventy-five years ago at Sacred Heart College are still alive and well in all that Newman University embodies and exemplifies. We especially appreciate your integration of the ASC-US Region Mission Statement into the document. This continues to evidence to us the ever-deepening understanding of your Mission and Identity, so well articulated here.”
To read the complete documents and accompanying commentary, go to www.newmanu.edu/attend-nu/about-nu/identity.
As noted below, the Newman Mission Statement contains many important connections to the ASC Mission Statement: