Annual Report


Linda SnookOver the past year, Newman University has experienced steady growth and a number of achievements. Speaking on behalf of my fellow Board Members, we are very pleased with the university’s progress on several fronts.

Following the trend set over the past several years, our enrollment continues to increase, although not at the rate of the recent past. Much of the growth can be attributed to graduate programs and Advanced Standing, which has grown strongly for several years.

Financially, Newman is on stronger footing in many aspects than in recent years. This is due in part to the innovative recruitment strategies of our Admissions Department, and the success of our fundraising projects. The 2014 Gladiator Dash and Jet Open events raised record amounts for Athletics, and the 2014 Party on the Plaza raised a record amount to support student scholarships. Other fundraising events and activities have also brought valuable support to the university.

I’m also pleased that Newman continues to build a strong relationship with the Diocese of Wichita and our new Bishop, Carl A. Kemme. Additionally, the university continues to form and solidify relations with other dioceses in the region as well as a variety of businesses and organizations in the Wichita area.

I would be remiss if I didn’t say Newman also has its share of challenges. Some can be attributed to the slow overall economic recovery. Some are the result of a higher than normal turnover rate this past year. Some are due to budget constraints, which limit our abilities to upgrade infrastructure and increase faculty and staff where necessary.

In spite of these challenges, Newman continues to move forward thanks to the hard work and commitment to our mission by many people in the Newman community. A new five-year Strategic Plan addresses several of the top issues, and outlines ways to strengthen our financial, physical, academic, spiritual and technological foundation well into the future. The Board has great confidence that the plan will result in progress and growth in many important areas.

As always, I and my fellow Board Members thank you for your support, which allows us to celebrate our successes and overcome our challenges. I have no doubt that with your continued support, Newman will continue to achieve its primary mission of empowering graduates to transform society.

Linda Davison ’77
Chair, Newman University Board of Trustees