Answering the Catholic call to religious life
Beyond their degrees from Newman University, something else bonds these alumni: Each has answered the Catholic call to religious life in profound ways.
Three ordained as priests
The Rev. Matthew Cooke, the Rev. Jesus Bañuelos and the Rev. Caleb Kuestersteffen were ordained as Catholic priests in May 2024 after years of prayerful discernment, seminary and serving as transitional deacons.
“We are configuring our lives to Christ, the way, the truth and the life, to being like him and being his instrument,” Bañuelos said.

Kuestersteffen added, “We ask for the prayers from our whole Newman University community. May God’s grace continue to be abundant.”
Each serves as a parochial vicar in the first year of the priesthood; Cooke at St. Elizabeth Ann Seton in Wichita, Bañuelos at St. Patrick in Wichita and Kuestersteffen at Our Lady of Lourdes in Pittsburg, Kansas.
A trio of deacons
Along with ordaining three men to the priesthood, the Most Rev. Bishop Carl A. Kemme ordained three transitional deacons in May, marking their final year before a life dedicated to the priesthood.

Kemme praised Deacons Grant Huslig, Joseph Mick and Nicholas Samsel for their courage to discipleship, saying, “It is a supernatural divine gift given to ordinary men, women and children — like you and me — so that we can do extraordinary things.”
He added, “We have seen three young men take a bold and courageous step …, not because of any natural bravery on their part, but because they have their eyes fixed on Jesus.”
Adorers of the Blood of Christ earns Masters in Social Work
In less than five years, Sister Bo Hui Kang, ASC, converted to Catholicism from Buddhism, took her final vows as an Adorer of the Blood of Christ (ASC), moved more than 6,500 miles to Wichita and graduated with her master’s in social work.

Since graduating from Newman in May, Kang has returned to South Korea where she and a fellow ASC serve as house mothers at the House of Light for children who have been abused or abandoned.
“Social work is a way for me to help people who need it,” Kang said. “Studying at Newman was the biggest opportunity for me.”
Sister Julian Swantek professes final vows
The summer of 2024 was an eventful one for Sister Julian Marie Swantek, who not only graduated from Newman in May but also took her final vows as a sister of the Immaculate Heart of Mary on July 27 at
St. Peter the Apostle in Schulte, Kansas.
Swantek graduated with her Bachelor of Science in secondary education, chemistry and physics and began her career at Bishop Carroll Catholic High School in August 2024.

“I always felt cared for by my Newman professors, and I look forward to my next chapter,” Swantek said.
In addition to Swantek, former Newman student Sister Maria Cabrini (formerly known as Brigette Sponsel) professed her final vows as an IHM sister.
Father Adam Grelinger serves at Holy Savior
After five years as Newman’s campus chaplain, Father Adam Grelinger ‘11 received a new assignment to serve as pastor of Holy Savior Catholic Church in Wichita beginning in June 2024.

While at Newman, Grelinger journeyed to Rome for the canonization of St. John Henry Newman, helped create “the virtual red couch” as a resource for students during the pandemic and helped re-establish Metanoia, the Catholic living community on campus. He left an impression with his vault of dad jokes,
creative homilies and prayerful presence.
“I think Father Adam has really guided the campus — and me personally — deeper into spirituality and the faith, and I really appreciate that,” said Alex Klein, a third-year seminarian and Newman student.