From the Director of Alumni Relations
Dear fellow Jets and friends,
As a new semester begins, I’m thrilled for all the new energy coming to campus. I cannot wait to meet future alumni who are beginning or continuing their journey at Newman University. I recall my times as a student returning to campus each year and I was always excited, and a little nervous, about all of the possible outcomes for the year. But that thought of the unknown will always energize and push me to try new ideas and meet new people.
It is my goal to continue to strengthen efforts in connecting current students with alumni as a part of our service-driven community. Alumni Relations will work with other departments to create opportunities to bring alumni back to campus to share their experiences with more students. We are also working on new events and programs that will involve more current students and result in direct connection with alumni.
Speaking of events, Party on the Plaza just took place Sept. 22. I remember volunteering at this event as a student several times and in many different costumes, but most times as a Troubadour. It was always a great time to meet alumni and help with the live auction. This time around, my role was that of alumni director, and an alumnus for the first time. To those of you who supported this year’s event, thank you for all that you do. We had an amazing time and raised a great deal of money for student scholarships. We couldn’t have done it without you!
I believe that action is important to making a difference. In a time where social media is a driving force in our daily lives, your actions and what you say will live longer than you do. We all have the opportunity to shape the future with our actions and our words — so let’s make them meaningful and impactful.
Best regards,
Ray Williams,
Director of Alumni Relations and Annual Giving