Faculty and staff activity and achievements
Each year, Newman faculty and staff members publish and present a variety of literary, scholarly and professional works. Here is a sample of recent activity and other achievements.
SUZANNE V.L. BERG, PH.D., ASSISTANT PROFESSOR OF COMMUNICATION, with Matthew Meier: “Mobilizing the Trolls: Satire and Digital Activism on ‘Last Week Tonight’” presentation at Rhetoric Society of America Biannual Meeting, Atlanta, Ga., May 2016.

Kristi Edwards, J.D.
KRISTI BARTON EDWARDS, J.D., ASSISTANT PROFESSOR OF CRIMINAL JUSTICE: “Cards for Legality: Case Studies on the Unauthorized Practice of Law,” presentation at the National Federation of Paralegal Associations joint conference with the Kansas Paralegal Association, Newman University, Wichita, Kan., April 29, 2016.
CHERYL GOLDEN, PH.D., PROFESSOR OF HISTORY AND DIRECTOR OF INTERNATIONAL STUDIES: Contributed several entries on war and other topics to Conflict in Ancient Greece and Rome: The Definitive Political, Social, and Military Encyclopedia, Sara E. Phang, Iain Spence, Douglas Kelly, Peter Londey, eds., ABC-CLIO/Greenwood: Santa Barbara, 2016.
BARRY J. KOCH, PH.D., ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR OF SOCIAL WORK, with Joseph Palombo and Harold K. Bendicsen: Their book, Guide to Psychoanalytic Developmental Theories (Springer Press: New York, 2009), was one of the top 25 percent most-downloaded e-books in the Springer collection in 2015, with 12,226 chapter downloads. The book has now been made available to Amazon Kindle Shop, Apple iTunes and Google Play.
ANGELO J. LETIZIA, PH.D., ASSISTANT PROFESSOR OF EDUCATION: “Writing About the Past is Essential for the Future: Fostering Student Writing for Citizenship in K-12 and Community College Classrooms,” The History Teacher, Vol. 49, No. 2, February 2016.
NANCY LUGO-BAEZ, DNP, ASSISTANT PROFESSOR OF NURSING: “Attitudes of Associate Degree Nursing Students Toward the Value of Completing the Baccalaureate Degree in Nursing: A Descriptive Study,” presentation at The Healthcare Showcase Poster Presentation, American Sentinel University, Aurora, Colo., June 16, 2016.
Graduated with Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) in Educational Leadership from American Sentinel University, Aurora, Colo., June 17, 2016.

John McCormick, Ph.D.
“Distributism and the Catholic Worker Movement,” Dorothy Day and the Church: Past, Present and Future, Lance Richey and Adam DeVille, eds.; Valparaiso, Ind.: Solidarity Hall, 2016. (Conference Proceedings, University of St. Francis Conference, Fort Wayne, Ind., May 13-15, 2015.)
“‘The Our Father – And Lead Us Not into Temptation, but Deliver Us from Evil. Amen,’ Parts of the Mass,” Totus Tuus training, Spiritual Life Center, Wichita Kan., June 1, 2016.
“To Care for and Cultivate: A Theology of Work,” presentation to Tabor College Chapel Service, Hillsboro, Kan., April 21, 2016.
JOAN MELZER, R.N., M.S., ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR OF NURSING: Reappointed to serve on the 2016- 2018 National Council of State Boards of Nursing NCLEX Examination Item Development Panel.
SHARON NIEMANN, PH.D., ASSISTANT PROFESSOR OF CRNA AND DIRECTOR OF THE CRNA PROGRAM: Received her doctorate of nurse anesthesia practice from Texas Wesleyan University, Fort Worth, Texas. The university allowed Niemann to be ceremonially hooded at the Newman 2016 Graduate Commencement in Wichita, May 14, 2016.
Elected as one of two alternate delegates from Kansas to the American Society of Radiologic Technologists.

Cover of The Beatles and the Historians, a book by Erin Torkelson Weber
The Beatles and the Historians: An Analysis of Writings About the Fab Four, David Al , ed., McFarland: Jefferson, N.C., 2016.
“The Historiography of the Beatles,” presentation at Kansas Association of Historians Conference, Baker University, Ottawa, Kan., April 22, 2016.