Faculty and Staff: Activity and Achievements
Each year, Newman faculty and staff members publish and present a variety of literary, scholarly and professional works. Here is a sample of recent activity and other achievements.
Brett Andrews, Ph.D., dean of the school of business, led a peer review team at another university on behalf of the Higher Learning Commission.
Aaron Avila, women’s head soccer coach, and wife, Ann, welcomed a baby girl, Emery June Avila, born Feb. 2, 2017.
Jessica Bird, assistant dean for nontraditional outreach programs, participated in the Competition Workgroup for the Environmental Scan.
John Burke, assistant professor of education, co-authored “Leading with Passion and Purpose,” published in the spring 2018 “Insight,” the Texas School of Administrators Professional Journal.
Georgia Drewes, assistant director of admissions, won the 2018 GPACAC Rising Star award at their annual conference in Kansas City, Missouri on April 9.
Was elected to attend the USBC National Bowling Convention in Reno, Nevada April 23-26, 2018 as president of Great Plains USBC bowling association.
Morris “Mo” Floyd, director of campus security, participated in the Kansas Archeology Training Program archeology dig in Council Grove, Kansas, at the Kaw Mission State Historic Site in June 2018.
Max Frazier, Ph.D., associate professor of education, presented at the Mid-America Association for Computers in Education (MACE) Conference at the Kansas State University Alumni Center in Manhattan on March 1-2.
Audrey Curtis Hane, Ph.D., professor of communication, presented how to craft and deliver an elevator pitch to the Young Professionals of Wichita Leadership class Jan. 6.
Worked with city and county clerks on “Letting Go of Perfect” as part of their continuing education and presented on effective small group communication in March, 2018.
Ryan Huschka, Ph.D., assistant professor of chemistry, was named a future leader of Kansas higher education through Kansas Independent College Association in February 2017.
Yelando Johnson, Bachelor of Social Work program director, presented “Best Practices in Working with Alzheimer’s Patients,” at Presbyterian Manors of Mid-America in May 2018.
Dane Jones, adjunct art instructor, married Erin Raux on Oct. 31, 2017.
Mark Mannette, director of theatre, directed “Seussical” and “I Do! I Do!” at Century II in May 2018.
Scott McIntosh, assistant professor of strategic intelligence, presented a lecture titled “Russia’s Interests from Antiquity to the 19th Century” at the Museum of World Treasures on Jan. 18.
Was promoted to book review editor for the Air Commando Journal.
Rosemary Niedens, associate vice president for academic affairs, participated in the Higher Learning Commission’s Academies in Oak Brook, Illinois, in June 2018.
Alan Oberley, M.S., assistant professor of chemistry, and his wife welcomed son Boaz Augustine Oberley on April 7.
Jeanette Parker, reference and instruction librarian, was presented with the Contribution Award by the College & University Libraries in April 2018.
Presented “Going All In: Helping Students Create Professional Posters from Research Papers, at the College & University Libraries of Kansas spring conference.
Laura Scholl, assistant professor of graphic design and digital art, led a panel discussion with three others at the annual ICT Summit March 22-23.
Presented “Cultivating mindlessness with real-time data” at the EYEO festival, June 4.
Amy Siple, associate professor of nursing, presented “Reaping a Harvest from your Crop of Pharm Students” at the Kansas Nurse Education Conference June 5.
Presented “Understanding Dementia” at the Newton Community Center June 7.
Passed the national gerontological specialist certification exam in May 2018.
Vic Trilli, director of athletics, was inducted into the Wichita Sports Hall of Fame 2018 class.
Sister Terese Wetta, ASC, former staff member, relocated to Liberia in February with the purpose of reopening the ASC mission center there.
Teresa Wilkerson, assistant dean of adult studies, was a keynote speaker at the Wichita State University Business Booster series in March. She spoke on the topic of “How To Pitch Your Business.”
Nikkie Zdrojewski, director of graduate and adult admissions, spoke at both the Strategic Intelligence and Master of Social Work info sessions in June about the admissions and application process.
Was also voted to be on the website and social media committee of LEARN (local education adult resource network).