A letter from President Carrocci
Dear alumni and friends,
When the Adorers of the Blood of Christ came to Wichita in the 1920s, it didn’t take them long to see the need to create a college for future educators. Little did they know that their dream would evolve into a co-ed college, then a four-year accredited university and today one of the best private, Catholic universities in the country 85 years after our founding.
The Wichita community is filled with generation after generation of Newman alumni. From education to sciences, medicine to theology, theater to business and so much more — this university holds a strong bond with our region.
With our new School of Catholic Studies, we are strengthening our partnership with the Catholic Diocese of Wichita. Bishop Carl Kemme recently announced that the St. Joseph House of Formation seminarians program will be extended to a full four-year degree program at Newman. We are very excited about our partnership and are happy to have this new development.
But that’s not the only tie to the community that Newman has. We are volunteers, difference-makers and community members driving change. Our faculty members work hard to create and maintain positive, solid relationships with local businesses, nonprofits, schools, clinics and hospitals. Our students procure important clinical placements and internships that give them real-world experience. Many of those turn into job offers for the students when they graduate.
It’s wonderful to watch our undergraduate alumni getting that first position or into the graduate program of their choice. It is equally gratifying to see alumni add to their credentials by returning to Newman to enhance their careers or simply to enrich their lives. Newman University is a vibrant contributor to the development of talent for our region and we will continue to partner wherever we can to contribute to our community’s bright future.
Please don’t ever hesitate to let us know of additional ways we might work and partner to enhance our community. Thank you for your continued interest in and support of Newman University.
Noreen M. Carrocci, Ph.D., President
Caritas Christi Urget Nos!