New approach to phone-a-thon increases giving, alumni-student engagement
Fall 2016 marked a change for the Newman Fund Phone-A-Thon. This year, rather than seeking volunteers, 23 Newman students were hired and paid to be call team members.
Hiring students added an extra incentive and accountability that made for a more stable and cohesive team. In addition to a new call team structure, the Phone-A-Thon was generously sponsored by Les Eck of Rusty Eck Ford in Wichita.
With students eagerly on board, more than 7,300 alumni and donors were contacted. Students were able to reach out and connect with individuals to promote positive relationships and engagement.
Beyond connecting, students brought in a total of $10,320 for the Newman Fund to be used for student scholarships. With an additional match donation of $10,000 from Rusty Eck Ford, the final total was $20,320.
Newman sends a big “Thank You” to everyone who supported the Newman Fund in Fall 2016, and the recent March 2017 event, also sponsored by Les Eck. The next Phone-a-Thon is set for October, so mark your calendar now and remember:
Please answer the call and give.