New Chair for Board of Trustees named
Where one legacy ends another begins. In September, Linda S. Davison completed 10 years as a member and nearly five years as chair of the Newman University Board of Trustees. Taking her place is Teresa Hall Bartels.
Davison played an important role in a number of efforts including the creation and oversight of a five-year strategic plan, and Facing Forward, the largest campaign in Newman’s history. Davision was the first laywoman chair of Newman’s board.
President Noreen M. Carrocci, Ph.D., said, “There are very few who have given as much as Linda has of her time, expertise, and her treasure.”
New board chair Hall Bartels has served on the board since 2011. She has served as chair of the Advancement Committee, a member of the Enrollment Management Committee and as vice- chair of the Newman board in 2016-2017.
Hall Bartels stated, “I believe that board members have three primary roles: fiduciary, strategic and what I call ‘generative.’ We make sure that Newman University is financially sound and provide appropriate financial oversight. We monitor and evaluate progress toward Newman’s strategic goals and we help to bring resources to bear so that Newman continues to grow and thrive.”

Noreen M. Carrocci, Ph.D., presents a certificate and gift (an engraved wooden chair) to past Board of Trustees chair Linda Davison.
As the new chair of the Newman University Board of Trustees, Hall Bartels looks forward to working with the rest of the board members to support the continued growth of Newman.
“The board has recently outlined its ‘Shared Hopes and Aspirations,’ which were finalized at the September board meeting. Based on a shared vision, we will work to bring the resources to bear to achieve Newman’s vision. We will support the president, faculty and staff in fostering excellence in teaching and learning, grounded in a Catholic, liberal arts education. Ultimately, all the decisions that the board makes must be evaluated against the purpose that is stated in Newman’s mission: empowering graduates to transform society.”