Newman Kansas license plates coming soon
Newman University would like to give members of the Newman community who are Kansas residents the opportunity to purchase an official State of Kansas Newman University license plate for cars and light trucks. With Newman plates, you can show everyone on the road not just where your home is, but also where your heart is!
To produce the tags, the state requires that 500 Kansas residents commit to purchasing one. That’s why Newman is calling on alumni, students, faculty, staff, fans and friends of the university who are Kansas residents to sign up for a Newman University plate.
The cost for a plate includes a one-time fee of $45.50, all standard taxes and fees for your vehicle, and an annual $35 Newman license tag royalty (tax-deductible), all paid to your county treasurer’s office. Proceeds from license plate purchases will benefit the Newman Annual Fund supporting student scholarships and programs. If 500 names are collected, the tags will be available in 2016.
Show your Jet Pride by signing up for the State of Kansas Newman University license plate. For more information contact Director of Alumni Relations Sarah Kriwiel Cundiff ’86, ’90, ’15 at [email protected].