Student Alumni Board Promotes Involvment, Connections


A bone marrow drive, the Cardinal Newman Banquet, Joyful Jet Day and Last Call are just a handful of events that are made possible at Newman University thanks to help from the Student Alumni Board.


Members of the Student Alumni Group are, clockwise from top left: Callie Mauk; Rebecca Kopper; Christopher Luschen; Luke Osterhaus; Brandon Gollhofer; Maureen Hogan; Daniella Buedden; Kayla Turner.

The board is a group of students selected to foster connections between alumni and students, by interacting with alumni and by encouraging students to consider their role as future alums. The board, only in its second year, works to encourage students to reach their full potential of involvement while at Newman, and to form connections that will last long after graduation.

Among the events the board helps coordinate is Joyful Jet Day, also known as Tuition Stop Day. The day is designed to recognize the many alumni and friends who donate to Newman, and to raise awareness of the important impact donors have on students’ education. The day marks the approximate point in the year when students’ tuition stops paying for their education, and donations cover the rest.

The board also helps with activities such as Last Call for Graduates–a congratulatory event that includes dinner, dancing and fun–commencement and the upcoming All-Alumni Reunion.

–Rebecca Kopper ’18