Theatre comeback is complete with academic major


Newman University TheatreFor the first time in its history,
Newman University is offering a major in theatre. The program officially began in the spring semester of 2013, following successful efforts to raise start-up funds and administrative action to create the new academic program.

The plan to bring back theatre to Newman included special fundraising campaigns for alumni of Sacred Heart Academy and Sacred Heart College, both of which were known for their popular theatre and musical presentations. Alums from other eras also helped raise funds, while Newman administrators worked to gain approval for the new program.

Newman Director of Theatre Mark Mannette said currently 18 students have declared theatre as their major, and nine have declared for the minor. Many other Newman students are actively participating in various productions.

“The theatre program has generated a high level of excitement in the student body,” he said. “The theatre majors and other students are highly motivated and supportive of each other. As a director I am thrilled with the level of talent these students have, their work ethic and their team player attitudes. The momentum is well under way, and I expect great things for the future of the program.”

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