Updated lockers, scoreboard among the highlights of new athletics facilities
Newman University is starting to look like an elite NCAA institution.
Over the past several months, the Athletics Department has updated several facilities, including renovated locker rooms for volleyball and women’s and men’s basketball teams, a new scoreboard in the gym, and new bleachers for the baseball field. Last year, an indoor facility was created for the golf teams, giving players a place to practice during the winter.
“This helps with recruiting and brings us on a par with other DII facilities,” said Athletics Director Vic Trilli. “This is just the beginning of a new direction for the Athletics Department.”
The locker rooms received a complete makeover, with high-quality wood lockers replacing the old “high school style” metal lockers. The rooms also received all new plumbing and lighting. New doors were installed with passcode access for the golf, volleyball, and basketball teams.
The renovation project took four months, and was done by Dondlinger & Sons Construction Co. Members of the Newman community also volunteered to help finish the work. Total cost was $200,000, with all funds coming from the Newman Athletic Club, golf tournaments and other fundraisers.
Over Christmas break of last year, a new LED scoreboard was also installed in Fugate Gymnasium. The new scoreboard was made possible largely by a gift from Pizza Hut franchisee Fugate Enterprises.
“This scoreboard should last us about 25 years,” Trilli said. “And with it being all LED we won’t have to change out light bulbs every month.”
Future plans for facilities upgrades include adding a picnic area near the baseball field, a press box for the soccer field, new fencing around the softball and soccer fields, and redoing the basketball court floor.
See photos of the locker room update here (select “View All Galleries,” then “Locker Room Renovation”).

The women's basketball locker room was dedicated to Adorers of the Blood of Christ U.S. Region Leader Jan Renz, ASC. The men's basketball locker room is dedicated to Eck Insurance Agency. The volleyball locker room is dedicated to Diana Crook, M.D. '85.