African-American alumni offer ideas on recruitment, retention of black students
This past summer, several African-American alumni and representatives of the Wichita African-American community joined Newman President Noreen M. Carrocci, Ph.D., Dean of Admissions John Clayton, Director of Communications Kelly Snedden, and Director of Alumni Relations Ann Fox for a focus group session in the Tarcisia Roths, ASC Alumni Center.
The session was held at Carrocci’s request after meeting with members of the local Pan-Hellenic Council and exchanging ideas on ways to better partner with Wichita’s black community.
“This session allowed us to get to know several of the African-American alumni in the community better, and to ask their help in reaching out to prospective students,” Carrocci said.
The select group of participants worked individually and in small groups to generate ideas and recommendations that would help improve recruitment and retention of black students. The group also explored ways to better engage and involve African-American alumni in the university’s growth and development.
“The items generated by this group were very actionable,” Fox said, referring to the list of more than 150 suggestions that came out of the luncheon session. “We received names, addresses and phone numbers of potential speakers, event coordinators and contacts within local churches and organizations with whom we can begin to connect and develop relationships.”
Alumni in attendance were also asked to complete and return personal profiles, which can be used to feature successful alumni in future university publications and on the Newman Web site.
The alumni participants included: Wilma Black ’92; David
Chiles ’01; Gloria Christian ’02; Gregory Cole ’95; Vanessa
Galbreath ’02; Bernadine Henderson ’99; Tiffanie (Henderson)
Shook ’04; Ramona Kee-Adams ’98; Latonia Kennedy ’91; Frank
Martinez ’02, ’04; Charles Murray ’04, ’06; James Normore ’96;
Elizabeth Shanklin-Reed ’07; Gloria Wallace ’02; Greg White ’05,
and DeShaun Willingham ’05.
Future activities are planned to further build the presence and involvement
of African-American alumni on campus. Alumni interested in participating
should contact the Alumni Office, [email protected], or
316-942-4291, ext. 2166.