From the President
Dear Alumni and Friends,
Within the past year, we’ve experienced a number of positive outcomes, events and developments. While they pertain to a wide variety of areas and interests, they are in many ways connected.
Last fall, for example, student enrollment topped 3,000 for the first time in our history. This spring, the Athletic Department unveiled some impressive upgrades to their facilities, and the women’s basketball team won the Heartland Conference Championship.
Our revived theatre program has been a smash hit, with great stage productions, appreciative audiences, and excellent financial support. We honored several members of the Newman community by awarding the Cardinal Newman Medal, alumni awards and honorary degrees. And, we continue to see steady improvements in our financial foundation.
We’re also seeing some remarkable developments in academics. Our new Cardinal Newman Studies Program is being recognized by our peers as an effective, innovative approach to learning, because it helps students form connections among various fields of knowledge. Now, we are further helping our freshman students make connections through “learning communities,” as you will read about in Provost Austin’s article in this issue.
So how are all these things connected?
They are all made possible in part by you and your connections to the university.
Through your connections with us, whether in the form of time, talent or treasure, you help us create the programs to recruit good students. Your gifts allow us to build better facilities and offer hundreds of student-athletes the opportunity to participate in intercollegiate sports. Your interest and support have helped us bring theatre back, and provide the academic, spiritual and service programs that produce alumni worthy of awards. And, your continued support of Newman and its mission have helped see us through some tough economic times.
In short, your connections make it possible for our administrators, faculty, staff, and most important, our students to achieve and succeed in their many and varied endeavors. They are connections we value, and we thank you for them.
I invite you to share in the many things your support makes possible. Come attend a lecture, play or musical. Take in a ball game. Visit campus and see how our students are engaged in their studies and service projects. I think you’ll agree that connections – student to student, teammate to teammate, you to us– do make a difference, and benefit everyone involved.
Thank you for your continuing support of Newman University.
Noreen M. Carrocci