From the President

Spring 2011 | Section: Issue Notes

An important key to success in most any endeavor is balance. A painter, for example, seeks a balance among different colors, shapes and proportions. Doctors urge us to eat a balanced diet from many food groups to maintain good health. In our daily lives we strive to find the right balance between work and play, spending and saving, dreaming and acting.

Letters from Haiti

Spring 2011 | Section: Alumni Profile

For four weeks in late 2010, John (J.R.) Pyles, M.D. ’76 volunteered his medical services to the J/P Haitian Relief Organization (J/P HRO) to help victims of the earthquake that struck Haiti Jan. 12, 2010.

Defining the mission and identity of Newman University

Spring 2011 | Section: Feature Stories

Colleges and universities, like people, have an identity — a character or core essence drawn from and created by the institution’s history, unique qualities and guiding principles. In the case of Newman University, that identity includes a strong connection to our sponsors, the Adorers of the Blood of Christ (ASC).